When the economy is tanking, Americans typically turn to comfort food. We’re not quite sure how big vats of macaroni and cheese help soothe the psyche, but when the going gets rough, the nation starts carbo-loading.
While we love a steaming scoop of comfort carbs as much as anyone, we think a better (and healthier) culinary response to crisis is preparing and savoring the most delicious home-cooked dishes imaginable. Eating at home to save money doesn’t have to mean Hamburger Helper. Instead, make mealtime the highlight of an otherwise stressful day. Plan ahead, use some creativity, and add flavor, substance, and perhaps, a touch of the exotic to nourish both body and spirit.
For inspiration, visit the new
Avanti Savoia website created by Media South with our partners at Averra Media. Avanti Savoia offers culinary treasures from around the world including all the ingredients needed to make fabulous and filling meals every night of the week. In addition to a catalog of the “best of the best” olive oils, pastas, chocolates, and more, the site includes recipes, special discounts, and gift certificates. Order by Dec. 23 for Christmas Day delivery, or treat yourself to some real culinary comfort any day of the year.