How long did it take to get there and were there any travel problems? We spent most of the trip either in the air or in a car, so there were naturally a few bumps along the way. But the largest slip up was on the nighttime drive from Valdez to Anchorage to meet our flight home at 6AM. Little did we know that they completely closed the highway between Midnight and 5AM for construction! This being Alaska, there aren’t side roads or residential areas to cut through to get around the blockade. We would have had to go eight hours out of our way and miss the flight. Luckily, a gas station cashier alerted us to the closing just in time, and by breaking the speed barrier, we made the highway cutoff with five minutes to spare.
What was the biggest difference you found between your vacation spot and Knoxville, TN? Most notably at first was the temperature. A perfect 65 degrees during the day, followed by freezing temperatures that night, and snow the next morning! But also the distance between gas stations (the price of gas was $5.54 up there!), wearing a bear bell, and the scenic overlooks every three miles—which you had to stop at.
What was the most beautiful (or most eccentric) place you went to on your vacation? It is hard to find a part of Alaska that is not picturesque. Jaw-dropping vistas with glaciers and snow-capped mountains everywhere you look. As far as eccentric goes, there’s a little town called North Pole, Alaska right outside of Fairbanks. All of the telephone poles are candy canes – including the poles holding the ever-present McDonalds and Wendy’s signs! My favorite sightings in the town were of a sign for Universal Welding complete with candy cane poles, and the Elf’s Den Bar.
What was the favorite (or most expensive, odd, creative) item you purchased while there? Salmon jerky. Stay away from the Salmon jerky. You’ll never have fresh breath again!
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